fantia:旧Twitter):今年最後の投稿となります。n本来でしたらクリスマスにでも投稿して全く季節感の無い動画にするつもりでしたが、投稿が年末ギリギリになってしまいました。どちらにせよ季節感がありませんが・・・今回はずっと作りたかった東北3姉妹動画を作成しましたが、3人をエロ標識で操作すると目で追うのが大変で労力のわりに分かりずらい動画になってしまいました。標識を裏返す程度の表現だと目立たないので光らせてみましたが・・・いかがでしょうかね?nカメラワークのセンスがあればもう少し分かりやすく作れるとは思いますが、要反省ポイントです。またfantiaにて差分として「下着 陰毛ver」「ボテ腹ver」等を用意してますので良ければご覧ください。来年以降の活動につきましては、相変わらずボイスロイドメインで作成していこうかと思いますのでよろしくお願いします。This is my last post for this year.nOriginally, I was going to post it at Christmas time and make it a video with no sense of the season at all, but it was posted just before the end of the year. Either way, it doesn’t have a sense of the season…This time, I made a video of the three sisters in Tohoku, which I had always wanted to make, but it was difficult to follow them with my eyes when I operated them with erotic signs, so the video turned out to be incomprehensible despite the effort. I tried to make them shine, but it is not so obvious if the signs are rotated…how about that?nIf I had a better sense of camera work, I think I could have made it a little easier to understand, but it is something I need to reflect on.I have also prepared “underwear pubic hair ver” and “flabby belly ver” as diffs on fantia, so please take a look if you like.As for my activities in the next year and beyond, I will continue to create mainly voiceloids as usual, so please do not hesitate to contact me.This is a supplement to the video content for English speakers.nZunda sweets originate from the Tohoku region of Japan and are made from ground edamame beans. If you have a chance, please try it.