1. ホーム
  2. 原作「崩壊3rd」
  3. 23 布洛妮娅 -short hair camera1

23 布洛妮娅 -short hair camera1

———这个镜头好看是好看,只是不够涩,所以这个舞还会有第二个涩涩镜头的版本,还在做。这个音乐蛮好听的。——重要的事情说在前面,今天开始接受纯舞的定制啦,是纯舞哦,不是sex!(如果想要sex的话仅限于之前做过的场景,因为技术不是很熟练,特别定制目前还是做不到的)有意向的朋友可以在群里私信我。(如果愿意免费公开发布的话可以打个七折哦!)——很抱歉告诉大家,因为我的收入情况变得糟了。可能从下个月开始,当月的高清视频将在Patreon上付费提前获得(费用不变)或等待下月初免费发布(还是免费发布的,只是推迟了)。——I’m sorry to tell you this because my income situation has gotten worse. Probably starting next month, HD videos for that month will have to be paid on Patreon (cost unchanged) or released for free early next month (HD videos will be free again, just delayed).—现在开始做一个新系列,编号是年月 S,主要方向是一些十几秒到几十秒的小片段,做一些新的作品类型,因为刚开始,会出现大量的练习作和试错品,所以不保证作品质量哦。没有效果音,节奏不好,力道不对,音乐违和什么的都是正常的,你习惯一下。Recently, I will make a new series, numbered as year S. The main direction is some small fragments of ten to tens of seconds, trying to make a new type of work. Because at the beginning, there will be a lot of practice works, so the quality of work is not guaranteed. No effect music, bad rhythm, music violation is normal. Thank you for your attention.谢谢观看,记得点个喜欢再走呀。Thank you for watching. Please give me a like If you enjoy my videos見てくれてありがとう。感谢各位作者的SD,人物卡和mod。聊天群:633180632无论是否赞助,你都可以从MEGA获得我的4k60fs视频如果你能支持我的创作,我会十分感谢。赞助链接:https://www.patreon.com/xinxiusan?fan_landing=true——爱发电地址在红P哦,不能直接放在这里。(有需要度盘的合集的朋友可以通过在patreon或爱发电赞助获得,如果需要补档的话请私信我)Sponsored or not, you get my 4K60FS video from MEGA..I would appreciate it if you could support my creation, help me share MEGA’s expenses .I hope this work can be enjoyed by both domestic audiences and foreign audiences.If you have a good opinion, welcome to exchange.本期视频名称: 23 布洛妮娅 -short hair camera1Name of current video: 23 布洛妮娅 -short hair camera1今回働画名称: 23 布洛妮娅 -short hair camera1Link: https://mega.nz/folder/W2JSgJgB#LF9rBUFMiDxnPsZFQw4rPw


