1. ホーム
  2. 原作「ボイスロイド」
  3. [MMD] Bboom Bboom – Onomatopoeia MMD (1080p60fps)

[MMD] Bboom Bboom – Onomatopoeia MMD (1080p60fps)

Another zero effort MMD brought to you by that user who wouldn’t know the first thing about explosives. I hear some people can easily make homemade bombs out of cheap materials, but my black Scottish cyclops friend told me that mistakes like one crossed wire, one wayward pinch of potassium chlorate or one errant twitch is all it takes ruin your day.Well, at least I still have both my eyeballs!I’m not quit sure the onomatopoeia for explosions has two letter Bs in it either… Maybe I’ll ask Akari.This time around it’s Kizuna Akari! I hear she can illuminate all with her voice, but I don’t think that’s how light travels. Maybe I should brush up on my science.I could be playing more Red Dead Redemption II right now…I forgot the creamer for my coffee.Effects: NCHLShader2GreenerShaderPowerDOFMotionBlur3ExcellentShadow2AutoLuminous4ikSunshaftHgSAOo_SelfOverlay v0.6o_SurplusFilter v0.3WorkingFloorAL_v006Models: Kizuna Akari (Tsumidango)3d.nicovideo.jp/works/td37618tstorage.info/nunabhnaecggRemote Control Vibrator 2 (siroutodaiku)pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=42808415Stage: White and black room (Ichigo Milk / SilverTimeLove P)seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im8366892Motion by: Yi Sae (youtu.be/-S_I-cw007I)


