Hello there my good sirs. How are ya’ll doing? I hope ya’ll doing just fineYes sir, this time we gpt raiden ei with police outfit, which is very nice, she can arrest me anytime of the week XDAnd as I mention las time, the main dish for this month is a fuckindancin video, yes not a full sex fuckin video, just a fuckindancinAgain because I got some bullshits that I have to deal with in my IRL. I wanst able to put as much time and effort torward making mmd, so instead of rushing a video, or just take a break, I mead a fuckindancin video which is a lot easier to make, cuz it got a lot less animation in itOther than that I also made a bonus video, cuz the queencard song is a bit too short for my taste, I made a blowjob scene, it also raiden ei, its araiden ei sensei bj sceneso that’s two main dish videos for this monthsBoth are available right now on my patreon page, and will be release here on iwara one week at a timeRAIDEN EI FUCKINDANCIN – QUEENCARD will be released here on iwara next week, 11th March 11 2025 to be exactAnd, RAIDEN EI SENSEI BJ will be release here on iwara the next week 18th march 2025 to be exactCan’t Wait? You Can Watch It Right Now On My Patreonhttps://www.patreon.com/erenarinBecome a patreon and get one week early access to my mmd sex video in 1080P and 4KPlease consider to support me on patreon if you can, that will help me to make more mmdsThe good news is, the bullshits that I have been going through for the last few months is solved, so I am back to my normal schedule now, so next months, for April project it will be the usuall full sex fuckin video with Kangxi. So you don’t have to worry about thatTHANK GOODNESS its solved, it was super annoying, a super stressfull months for me. But its all good now, I hope :DSo yeah, it’s a bit simple month again this timeI hope you can enjoy it just finewelp, that was all for nowFind Me on Twitter – @RinErenai hope you can enjoy this one